Po Box 810 -60300, Isiolo.

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 4PM

Pursuit of Fairness and Justice for All

Empowering pastoralist communities to enjoy peace, secure land tenure, abundant natural resources, and sustainable development in Isiolo County.

What We Do

Land Program

The goal of this program is to facilitate individual residents and pastoral communities in Isiolo County and in ASALs to attain land tenure rights and sustainably use their land for productive assets.

Environment Restoration & Ecosystem Management Program

The aim of this program is to strengthen community resilience through integrated risk management to enhance proper land use planning and governance of natural resources for sustainable development.

Peace Building & Conflict Transformation Program

The goal of this program is; to promote community based environment conservation . WTL will create awareness on responsibility of communities to conserve their environment.

Human Rights, Lobby and Advocacy Program

The aim of this program is to accelerate and advance human right of marginalized communities and support them to address their concerns at national, county and community levels with focus of Bill of Rights as enshrined in 2010 Constitution of Kenya.

Social Entrepreneurship for Secured Livelihoods

This program is aimed at supporting community led organization and cooperatives for women, youth and vulnerable groups to improve their social economic standards through entrepreneurship, and income generating activities (IGAs) as alternative source of livelihood.

Climate Change & Adaptation

This program is aimed at strengthening community resilience on climate change and its effects on development through supporting communities to understand climate change and its mitigation mechanisms.

Our Core Values

The work of WTL with communities and other stakeholders will be guided by the following principles


honesty, truthfulness, fairness and adherence to rule of law and organizational regulations should guide all decisions and actions


WTL seeks to work with all categories of people without discrimination on the basis of ethnic, gender, religious and political affiliations. It appreciates diversity of communities in Isiolo as a source of strength.


WTL seeks to conduct its affair in open and transparent manner and share information related to its works with all stakeholders.

waso trustland

How we Impact Our Societies

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