Po Box 810 -60300, Isiolo.

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 4PM


1. Land Program:

The goal of this program is to facilitate individual residents and pastoral communities in Isiolo County and in ASALs to attain land tenure rights and sustainably use their land for productive assets.

WTL’s mandate under this program include:

  • Support communities in Isiolo and in ASALs to securing pastoralist land rights and improving resilience to climate
  • Advocacy initiatives for Equitable Land Rights for enhancing Gender sensitive for equitable land rights, women land & property rights, capacity building for communities to advocate for effective implantation of constitutional provisions to secure women’s land and property rights.
  • Capacity development and institutional strengthening to enhance Land Governance at all levels of the
  • Active advocacy on policy legislation on issues of community land for marginalized groups
  • Training and mentorship programs for community lobby groups to champion community driven land use planning, management, and development

2. Environment Restoration and Ecosystem Management Program:

The aim of this program is to strengthen community resilience through integrated risk management to enhance proper land use planning and governance of natural resources for sustainable development.

WTL is committed to:

  • Support communities in awareness towards anticipation and reduction of shocks and stress on environment in development at all
  • Incorporate environment management and restoration strategies in programing and supporting communities and institutions to address collective environmental challenges associated with disasters by incorporating disaster risk reduction strategies (DRR) including preparedness as well as adaptation and transformation of
  • Support environment management and restoration policy frameworks to inform sound decision to secure a healthy
  • Strengthen community and institution capacities to address emerging threats on environment and rangeland management.
  • Promote conservation and sustainable commercial exploitation of natural resources and their
  • Strengthen the capacity of communities to map, manage and share their natural resources in an inclusive and sustainable manner – through protecting their customary land rights as explained in the community land act, conduct sound investment programs free from exposing the environment from pollution and over expaloitation

3. Peace Building and Conflict Transformation Program:

This program is anchored on SDG 16 whose aim is to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.

The program strategic priorities are:

  • Strengthen the capacity of peace architecture at National, County and Community levels on peace, inclusion, reconciliation, social cohesion, and
  • Lobby and advocate for National and County Governments to actualize policies and legal frameworks on conflict management, cohesion, and human
  • Facilitate intra and inter-community dialogue on issues on natural resource-based conflicts including land disputes.
  • Support community led/traditional institutions peace committees in capacity building and strengthening their governance and decision making.
  • Work with local COS and Community Peace Actors to foster enabling environment for reconciliation and alternative dispute resolution
  • Develop Peace Building and Conflict management early warning strategy for Early Warly Response

4. Human Rights, Lobby and Advocacy Program:

The aim of this program is to accelerate and advance human right of marginalized communities and support them to address their concerns at national, county and community levels with focus of Bill of Rights as enshrined in 2010 Constitution of Kenya.

WTL does the following to ensure that this program attains the above aim:

  • Organize Human Rights, Lobby and Advocacy forums by which marginalized communities can voice issues affecting them including land rights, peace, and security,
  • Support communities with access justice through linkages to address violation against their human rights.
  • Training and capacity building of marginalized groups to acquire knowledge and skills in human rights activism, lobby, and
  • Media Campaigns
  • Monitoring and documenting human rights violation and seek reduces with Human Right Bodies for action and funding on need based issues at community

5. Social Entrepreneurship for Secured Livelihoods and Economic Empowerment for Women and Youth Groups Program:

This program is aimed at supporting community led organization and cooperatives for women, youth and vulnerable groups to improve their social economic standards through entrepreneurship, and income generating activities (IGAs) as alternative source of livelihood.

WTL considers to attains this through:

  • Supporting Women, Youth and Vulnerable groups to tap into cooperative funding for business and social economic development, and skill development in resource mobilization to fund their initiatives.
  • Train and support Women, Youth and Vulnerable groups in development of business plans and link them with financial lending institutions for loans and acquisition for funding and supporting them to explore alternative forms of compatible livelihoods.

Establish linkages and networks for marketing of group’s IGAs products to maximize on profit and suitability of their enterprises.

6. Climate Change & Adaptation for Community Resilience Building Program:

This program is aimed at strengthening community resilience on climate change and its effects on development through supporting communities to understand climate change and its mitigation mechanisms.

WTL strategies to address climate change include:

  • Support communities and local institutions (National and County) to incorporate climate change and adaptation by addressing changing risks, and need to make policies, investments and practice climate smart projects and
  • Support community capacity building and training programs that focus on climate change adaptation, improvement of management of ecosystem services that are associated with resources as the foundation for resilient landscapes and
  • Incorporate an Integrated Risk Management (IRM) approaches as a basis for formulating policies, plans for Smart Climate Proof Projects with support of other stakeholders hence contributing to developing and strengthening resilient


7. Knowledge Management, Learning Research and Documentation Program:

  • This is an emerging program within WTL which entails in developing a robust framework for Knowledge Management, Learning, Research and Development of Information Communication Materials (ICMs).
  • WTL is committed to:
  • Supporting programs and project personnel in training and capacity development for enhanced knowledge management skills that will contribute to effective project management and implementation.
  • Work with Higher learning Research Institutions to generate knowledge gaps in the above thematic areas within programs as spelled
  • Document and disseminate best practices in programing and project implementation to inform policy discussions and decision for sustainability of
  • Share Information and communication materials with stakeholders and allow feedback mechanism for organizations strengthening and


What Waso Trust land Does NOT Do:

  • WTL will NOT be involved in any propaganda that may compromise the integrity of partner institution/organization.
  • WTL will NOT be involved to settle scores between rival groups emanating from conflict of interest around programs intervention
  • WTL will NOT be engaged in local politics or any activities that might interfere with organizational mandate as defined in the organismal